Week No. 7: Highs, Lows, and Good Reads


This Week's Highs:

  • Career: I wrapped up a large matter with lots of related, associated pieces. 
  • Health: I think I am developing the most healthy balance I've had between small portions of rich/heavy/caloric foods that I think taste great and larger portions of fresh fruits and vegetables. This is not a balance I've usually managed. Also, I have taken a handful of Peloton yoga classes this week to relax and loosen my muscles before going to bed.
  • Personal: A few loved ones have had positive progress in their job searches this week. I'm really happy for them! I am attempting to do a daily rosary for Lent as well.

This Week's Lows:

  • Career: I had a heck of a time focusing this week. 
  • Health: I am completely off the wagon with meditation and taking walks. The walks went away due to the extreme temperatures we've had here, but the meditation shouldn't have gone away. I hope to get back into it this coming week.
  • Personal: It's just a little bit more of the same winter malaise. But the temperatures should be going up a bit, and that will make things more pleasant!

Weight Loss Journey:

Today I weighed in at 165.8 lbs. I am pleased with this overall progress! This is about 10 lbs overall that I've lost since January 25.

This Week's Good Reads:

  • Do you celebrate little victories? This article suggests celebrating small milestones in your financial journey. I love to see people achieve financial security and financial comfort, so it's great to celebrate as you go. Via Verily.
  • This article talks about the benefits of making sacrifices: the general point in the season of Lent. Via The Atlantic.
Find something to delight in -A


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