Soothing Sunday

Happy Sunday! No Sunday scaries over here. I am going to enjoy another full day of the weekend.

Avocado toast for breakfast this morning. Sourdough bread
compliments of my husband!

So let's talk self-care. I promise this will not include anything that you need to order from Sephora.

Do you have a trick to boost your mood? Back in 2019, I listened to the Gretchen Rubin Happier Podcast episode about having an 'emergency kit' for anxiety. They gave appropriate disclaimers that treatment of mental health may require professionals, and I give the same disclaimer here. I am not a doctor or a mental health professional, and certain mental health conditions require professional assistance. In the episode, they discuss having a list of little treatments for negative feelings. I certainly have struggled with mental health from time to time, and sometimes I'll feel very overwhelmed and gloomy. So after listening to that podcast episode, I started keeping mental track of little ways that I could get out of a funk for minimal effort and no money. I wanted to share my list and invite everyone to add their own free and easy mood boosters in the comment section.

  • Dance it out: I think having a handful of songs you can pull up on Spotify that you can really move your body to is a perfect idea. Crank up a fun song in your headphones, shut the door, and just dance it out. 100% satisfaction guaranteed! For me, Uptown Funk and Happy are the most reliable dance it out tunes.
  • Take a walk: Taking a 1-minute walk to the office break room, a 5-minute walk up the block, or an hour-long walk at the end of tough day will reset your mind. Moving your body in a way different than you were when the negative feelings started seems to help.
  • Drink some water: I am not sure if there's something mental about drinking water that helps you feel good, but being more hydrated will always feel good.
  • Watch a funny YouTube video: Sometimes I'll find a John Mulaney SNL monologue and just laugh for five minutes. Sometimes I'll pull up a total old classic like 'Charlie Bit My Finger.' Just something silly and short to make me laugh.
  • Pray: I've mentioned before that I am a religious person. I will always find relief during and after prayer. 
  • Breathing exercise: Slowing down your breath in a meditative way can also shake out some gloom. Try breathing in for four counts, holding breath for four counts, breathing out for four counts, and holding breath for four counts (then repeat). This is called box breathing. It's a good way to focus on your physical state rather than anything rattling around in your mind.
  • Call your mom: This always helps me. Perhaps for you it would be a friend, a partner, a sibling. Having a quick chat with one of those people who remembers each other time you've had a tough day and can remind you that you'll survive whatever you're going through is a huge help.
  • Find something to be grateful for: 100% guarantee you can think of something. Even if you're feeling very down, start with the most elemental: I am thankful that I have oxygen to breathe. I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful that I have clothes, a home, my health.... from there, you'll start feeling a little better.
  • Put yourself in someone else's shoes: I think this can be a helpful exercise if I am feeling sorry for myself. I can imagine being someone with far harder struggles. And it'll help me realize how thankful I can be for the blessings that I have.
  • Have a phrase you repeat to yourself: Might be called a 'mantra.' Sometimes I'll whisper 'thank you thank you thank you thank you' if I'm feeling very stressed. Or 'Come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit.' I think formulating the words helps connect you to the real world and helps you detach from negative thoughts.
  • Yell: Make sure you do this in an appropriate place. Sometimes, if I've had a truly frustrating day, I will get into my car with the windows closed and just yell. Not for long, and usually not with words. Just one loud 'argh!' and it feels primal and relaxing! Disclaimer: only do this in an appropriate place and don't blame me if someone sees you at a red light and gives you a funny look!
Alright, there's a long list of little things you can do for no money, with minimal effort, and most which require absolutely nothing at all. 
nail polish is Essie, Ballet Slippers

Today's Delights:

  • I'm pretty proud of my manicure still!
  • It's been rewarding to incorporate more strength training into my workouts.
  • And it just started snowing a little more!
Find something to delight in today, A


  1. I was craving some avocado toast, so got a huge kick out of your photo! Yay for finding ways to bring on the happiness and the joy in small, daily pleasures. Not everyone has a mom to call, so that is something extra special to find joy in <3.


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